Making patterns and textures based on or abstracted from coral, coralreefs, the decay of these reefs as well as possible mutations and diseases that comes with the decay of the coral reefs world wide.

About a month ago I started a computer file with shapes, textures and patterns that I liked and might possibly want to use later or refer back to when designing. For the event (term 2.1) poster I made serveral posters that often started when trying things out with these patterns or shapes. So I want to experiment and make some form of a database of patterns, while also learning new techniques both with software, depth and manual techniques and colors.

A database that I can use for myself on my laptop, aswell as the experiments and patterns in bookform so I will also be able to refer back to them in print and present them. I will keep track of my process in a (online) visual diary or binder format. And use this visual diary to make the patternbook.

Biomimicry at the blue city lab, the first week of this elective I could connect to the plusplan and learn here how to look at nature, zoom in and out, how to materialise and translate this etc. For the second week it will be in a group project setting. My second elective is the custom thing, but I really hope I am able to switch to a different elective if possible.

Meeting with Dirk for a final revision on my written essay for the hybrid publication site
I will visit the libary to look at books, what type of language could work with my final book, measuring book sizes and layout.
Publicationstation, blue city lab

Week 1
- Biomimicry elective > homework this week is a 3d model, material research, sketches, material passports
- Researching the material I want to base my patterns on, collect images and research, current situations
- Going to the store and buying materials I havent used yet or want to use.
- Making patterns digitaly and manually (as much as possible)

Week 2
- Scanning what I made the week before and see how it works printed
- Biomimicry elective > group assignment
- Making more (as much as possible)

Week 3
- The custom thing elective
- Making more (as much as possible)
- Decide on the narrative the book will have (for example chronologically, or a collection of the ones I think work, or the patterns and then applied onto different designs etc etc)
- Starting my indesign file in a proper structure, test printing the sizes and some pages
- Making final adjustments on the books layout
- Write a short editorial piece on the current situation of corals and it’s decay as a research recap

Week 4
- Scanning all the work I didn’t scan yet and possibly edit these
- Making the book
- Printing and testprinting
- Experimenting with the binding
- Elective the custom thing
Focussing on elective Biomimicry
Researching and collecting images
Tutorials and trying these out
Starting with making
Libary trip
OBSTACLES: I found it somewhat hard to start up again also due to some homework things and research for biomimicry, but I was able to to some work and start the project